In a 1976 scholarly article about little studied puritan funeral services ulrich included the phrase well behaved women seldom make history the phrase was picked up and soon went viral being widely quoted and printed across the country. Liberal politics feminism the abortion debate and general ranting combined with wit sarcasm and a touch of honey. Ulrich explains that well behaved women should make history.
well behaved women rarely make history

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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History

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Well behaved women seldom make history.
Well behaved women rarely make history.
Well behaved women rarely make history.
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She was interested in limning the lives of ordinary women who were considered well behaved or vertuous an alternate spelling of virtuous.
The historian who has an eye for the ordinary and who won a pulitzer for bringing to life the diary of one midwife who lived in the decades following the american revolution also set out to systematically collect the celebrated virtues of early american women.
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Well behaved women rarely make history.
From admired historianand coiner of one of feminisms most popular sloganslaurel thatcher ulrich comes an exploration of what it means for women to make history.
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In 1976 in an obscure scholarly article ulrich wrote well behaved women seldom make history.
Lots of people are credited with coining the great phrase well behaved women rarely make history they include marilyn monroe gloria steinem eleanor roosevelt anne boleyn and our own aunt ginger from the buzzkill institute.
Well behaved women rarely make history the introspective musings of a 30 something midwesterner who longs for the bright lights and the big city.
Well behaved women seldom make history you may have seen that quote on bumper stickers or t shirts or maybe youve seen it as well behaved women rarely make history the quote often appears.
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The goal of the paper and much of ulrichs work was the recovery of the history of women who were not featured in history books of the past.
However in the 1970s laurel thatcher ulrich penned in a scholarly article about the funeral sermons of christian women that well behaved women seldom make history the phrase subsequently gained wide popularity appearing on t shirts coffee mugs and other items and its now the title of ulrichs latest book.
It continues to be seen on greeting cards t shirts mugs plaques and bumper stickers.
Given time any powerful woman with backbone and nerve will get credit for this phrase and sentiment.

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